Universität Bonn

Data Science & Intelligent Systems

Selected Publications


Stefan Schestakov, Simon Gottschalk, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Thorben Funke and Elena Demidova.
Transferring Traffic Predictions to Urban Regions without Target Data. IEEE ITSC 2024, to appear.

Marco Markwald and Elena Demidova.
REFUEL: Rule Extraction for Imbalanced Neural Node Classification.
Machine Learning Journal. Part of ECML PKDD 2024. Springer. [URL] 

Dirk Burghardt, Elena Demidova, Daniel A. Keim (Eds.) 
Volunteered Geographic Information
Interpretation, Visualization and Social Context. Springer [URL]

Stefan Schestakov, Simon Gottschalk, Thorben Funke, Elena Demidova.
RE-Trace: Re-Identification of Modified GPS Trajectories.
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS). [URL]

Rajjat Dadwal, Ran Yu, Elena Demidova.
A Multimodal and Multitask Approach for Adaptive Geospatial Region Embeddings.
PAKDD 2024.  [URL]

Uttam Kumar, Ran Yu, Michael Wenzel, Elena Demidova.
Co-ReaSON: EEG-based Onset Detection of Focal Epileptic Seizures with Multimodal Feature Representations.
PAKDD 2024. [URL]


Genivika Mann, Alishiba Dsouza, Ran Yu, Elena Demidova
Spatial Link Prediction with Spatial and Semantic Embeddings.
ISWC 2023. Springer. BEST PAPER AWARD (Research Track). [URL]

Alishiba Dsouza, Ran Yu, Moritz Windoffer, Elena Demidova
Iterative Geographic Entity Alignment with Cross-Attention.
ISWC 2023. Springer. BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD (Research Track). [URL]

Stefan Schestakov, Paul Heinemeyer, Elena Demidova
Road Network Representation Learning with Vehicle Trajectories. 
PAKDD (4) 2023: 57-69 [URL]

Ashutosh Sao, Simon Gottschalk, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Elena Demidova
MetaCitta: Deep Meta-Learning for Spatio-Temporal Prediction Across Cities and Tasks. 
PAKDD (4) 2023: 70-82 [URL]

Steve Gounoue, Ran Yu, Elena Demidova
Scanner: A Spatio-Temporal Correlation and Neighborhood-based Feature Enrichment for Traffic Prediction.

Sara Abdollahi, Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
LaSER: Language-specific Event Recommendation. 
J. Web Semant. 75: 100759 (2023) [URL]

Anelia Kurteva, Tek Raj Chhetri, Amar Tauqeer, Rainer Hilscher, Anna Fensel, Kevin Nagorny, Ana Correia, Albert Zilverberg, Stefan Schestakov, Thorben Funke, Elena Demidova
The smashHitCore Ontology for GDPR-Compliant Sensor Data Sharing in Smart Cities. 
Sensors 23(13): 6188 (2023) [URL]


Rajjat Dadwal, Thorben Funke, Michael Nüsken, Elena Demidova
W-Trace: Robust and Effective Watermarking for GPS Trajectories

Leonie von Wahl, Ashutosh Sao, Nicolas Tempelmeier, and Elena Demidova
Reinforcement Learning-based Placement of Charging Stations in Urban Road Networks
ACM SIGKDD Conference 2022. [URL]

Kelvin Sopnan Wowo, Rajjat Dadwal, Timo Graen, Andrea Fiege, Michael Nolting, Wolfgang Nejdl, Elena Demidova, Thorben Funke
Using Vehicle Data to Enhance Prediction of Accident-Prone Areas
IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2022 [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier, Elena Demidova
Attention-Based Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap
ACM Web Conference, WWW 2022, pp. 643-651 [URL]

Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
Tab2KG: Semantic Table Interpretation with Lightweight Semantic Profiles
Semantic Web 13(3): 571-597 (2022) [URL]

Tin Kuculo, Simon Gottschalk and Elena Demidova
QuoteKG: A Multilingual Knowledge Graph of Quotes
ESWC 2022 [URL]

Elena Demidova, Alishiba Dsouza , Simon Gottschalk, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Ran Yu
Creating Knowledge Graphs for Geographic Data on the Web
SIGWEB Newsl. 2022 (Winter) [URL]


Alishiba Dsouza, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Ran Yu, Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova. 
WorldKG: A World-Scale Geographic Knowledge Graph.
30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2021)  [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier, Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova.
GeoVectors: A Linked Open Corpus of OpenStreetMap Embeddings on a World Scale.
30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2021), pp. 4604-4612 [URL]

Alishiba Dsouza, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Elena Demidova.
Towards Neural Schema Alignment for OpenStreetMap and Knowledge Graphs.
20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021) [URL]

Rajjat Dadwal, Thorben Funke, Elena Demidova
An Adaptive Clustering Approach for Accident Prediction
24th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), 2021 [URL]

Ashutosh Sao, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Elena Demidova
Deep Information Fusion for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Occupancy Forecasting
24th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), 2021 [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier and Elena Demidova
Linking OpenStreetMap with knowledge graphs – Link discovery for schema-agnostic volunteered geographic information
Future Generation Computer Systems 116 (2021) 349-364. Elsevier [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier, Udo Feuerhake, Oskar Wage, Elena Demidova
Mining topological dependencies of recurrent congestion in road networks
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(4), 2021 [URL]

Daniel Gomes, Elena Demidova, Jane Winters, Thomas Risse (Eds.)
The Past Web.
Exploring Web Archives. Springer [URL]

Jiqun Liu, Ran Yu
State-Aware Meta-Evaluation of Evaluation Metrics in Interactive Information Retrieval
30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2021) [URL]

Christian Otto, Ran Yu, Georg Pardi, Johannes von Hoyer, Markus Rokicki, Anett Hoppe, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, Stefan Dietze and Ralph Ewerth
Predicting Knowledge Gain during Web Search based on Multimedia Resource Consumption
The 2021 conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED): 318-330 [URL]

Ran Yu, Rui Tang, Markus Rokicki, Ujwal Gadiraju, Stefan Dietze
Topic-independent Modeling of User Knowledge in Informational Search Sessions
Information Retrieval Journal (2021): 1-29 [URL]

Zhu, Xiaofei, Jie Wu, Ling Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, Ran Yu, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze
Exploring User Historical Semantic and Sentiment Preference for Microblog Sentiment Classification
Neurocomputing (2021) [URL]


Nicolas Tempelmeier, Stefan Dietze, Elena Demidova
Crosstown Traffic - Supervised Prediction of Impact of Planned Special Events on Urban Traffic
GeoInformatica 24(2): 339-370 (2020) [URL]

Gerhard Gossen, Thomas Risse, Elena Demidova
Towards Extracting Event-centric Collections from Web Archives
Int. J. Digit. Libr. 21(1): 31-45 (2020) [URL]

Hamid Zafar, Mohnish Dubey, Jens Lehmann, Elena Demidova
IQA: Interactive QueryConstruction in Semantic Question Answering Systems
J. Web Semant. 64: 100586 (2020) [URL]

Tarcísio Souza Costa, Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
Event-QA: A Dataset for Event-Centric Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
CIKM 2020: 3157-3164 [URL]

Anisa Rula, Amrapali Zaveri, Elena Simperl, Elena Demidova (Eds)
Special Issue on Quality Assessment of Knowledge Graphs Dedicated to the Memory of Amrapali Zaveri
ACM J. Data Inf. Qual. 12(2), 2020 [URL]

Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
EventKG+BT: Generation of Interactive Biography Timelines from a Knowledge Graph
ESWC 2020 (Satellite Events): 91-97 [URL]


Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
EventKG - the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web - and Biographical Timeline Generation
Semantic Web 10(6): 1039-1070 (2019) [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier, Udo Feuerhake, Oskar Wage, Elena Demidova
ST-Discovery: Data-Driven Discovery of Structural Dependencies in Urban Road Networks
SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2019: 488-491 [URL]

Simon Gottschalk, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Günter Kniesel, Vasileios Iosifidis, Besnik Fetahu, Elena Demidova
Simple-ML: Towards a Framework for Semantic Data Analytics Workflows
SEMANTiCS 2019: 359-366 [URL]

Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova
HapPenIng: Happen, Predict, Infer - Event Series Completion in a Knowledge Graph
ISWC (1) 2019: 200-218 [URL]

Nicolas Tempelmeier, Yannick Rietz, Iryna Lishchuk, Tina Kruegel, Olaf Mumm, Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Stefan Dietze, Elena Demidova
Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions
WWW (Companion Volume) 2019: 137-145 [URL]

Stefan Dietze, Elena Demidova, Konstantin Todorov
RDF Dataset Profiling
Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies 2019 [URL]

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